Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Make Homemade Jerk Off Toys

Play it again, Sam! Source

musician's focal dystonia is defined as a contraction co-contraction or agonist / antagonist, involuntary spasm as maintained that generate disability or clumsy to play the instrument. The hand is the main impact of a higher percentage of guitarists, pianists followed, although they may result in perioral muscles of trumpet player, for example.
Linked to the repetition and training of musical activity.

Excess Hebbian network connections seems to be the problem, as explained in the blog Educating Neuroscience so fabulously. Motor neurons are activated and connected neurons to touch the skin and auditory neurons to hear, feel and interpret music. The increase in neuronal network connections causes a collapse in the function, for how prepared you are, as a surge.

the planum temporale is more developed in musicians. Planum temporale alterations are related to dyslexia. Playing an instrument is the best way to stimulate the brain, because it requires a strong neuronal activity. The brain of musicians is different but occupational focal dystonia is not exclusive to musicians. The highest incidence is found in the writer's cramp, and keepeth not influenced by any relationship with the music, simply by repeating a gesture intensive engine.

should be emphasized that no treatment has proven effective even in the musician's focal dystonia. A colleague gave entry to this subject a few months ago, in his blog .

Some authors attach importance to technical and All in the anomalous position with the instrument and the technique wrong and those responsible for the onset dystonic. Support the idea that their fingers are too stiff joints and muscle tension and when to play and should adopt a more relaxed in their hands and a good alignment head-trunk-arms. Include the rehabilitation of instrumental technique and posture in the prevention and treatment of musician's focal dystonia.

Some authors, such as Candia, proposed the immobilization of the affected fingers to reduce cortical representation.

Since sensory neurons create connections with motor neurons in the same region to increase the speed and effectiveness of technical movements, part of the treatment must go through these sensory neurons to return their condition, encourage Hebbian network change with tactile stimuli in that area, which have decreased, dicriminación two points, object recognition, texture ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Arbor Longboards Toronto


As the month progresses, the average age of my patients is increasing.

  • should be this cold that has me in a "sinvivir." I am that I can not take back, and I can not even grab a cup of coffee that my hands hurt. I could not sleep a wink last night ...
  • What is the problem?
  • I'm just very nervous.
  • coffee may not be a good idea ...
  • not that ... Yesterday I spent the afternoon crying

Christmas is the time when we gather with the family. For many people, all they have is the family. Christmas is the saddest day for many people. A birthday is directly proportional to the feeling of Christmas triseza. A longer, more likely to take a loved one at fault in the meetings. Things are not what they were. Never as they were. The suicide rate rises on these dates:

  • I'm alone ...
  • My kids do not call me ...
  • without my husband I do not know what to do these days ...
  • Today is exactly 5 years since that happened ...
  • boys are older now and want nothing to do ...
  • Why am I hurt?
  • Because it's Christmas

During World War II, doctors noted that none of the soldiers who came from the front with war wounds demanded the pain. In contrast, 75% of patients (civil) with similar injuries, they called morphine. What distinguished one and the other was the context in which they were experiencing pain. For civilians, the injury involved a stop at the plans and projects of his life, but for the soldiers that wound was a return ticket home. Meant to have survived the war and leave the front. The experience of pain was something reconforante: As I once said a patient:

  • this is a "fuck-fuck" that like!

This year, the crisis plaguing Christmas. The situation for many people become sensitive at times, very seriously.
  • I ache all over but I have not to go to physio.

I have the luck to be part of those who have work and also enjoy what I do. Today: a luxury.

crisis hurts ...

psychologist do not intend to exercise, but it is impossible not to listen to people's problems. Comforting, listening, encouraging and empathizing with patients we have more chance of success and improve health problems, which is the firm intention of my practice. No physical therapy is a technique, but it works.

  • Oh, son, if I could close my eyes and wake up on January 8.
  • Amance is not enough, take heart, and is less.

Christmas hurts ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How To You Use Ipod Headphones On Ps3

Vascular Pain No Smoking

One of the great failings of the physios today is the identification of vascular abnormalities. The reason that we are not instructed in those duties is, in part by the reluctance of medical diagnosis. The practitioner does not treat vascular disease except heart physiotherapy units and therefore is not within its competence. The problem is that sometimes arterial blockages, for example, may be confused with musculoskeletal problems or spinal origin, and SI should know in order to identify derivatives.

I remember one patient with pelvic pain . My treatment was aimed at the lumbar spine or sacro-iliac not remember ... I do remember is that after 3 or 4 sessions without improvement, came one day and said it did not hurt. Had gone to the gynecologist and was diagnosed this pelvic congestion syndrome, and drugs sent to him left him pain. What made me feel bad, it was that had not been able to identify it, (it could happen again) but that even had never heard of it.

pain in the pelvic congestion syndrome caused by intrauterine or ovarian varices. Usually bilateral, continuous, heavy feeling, increased with standing, worsening evening and exercise. Improving the posture. Worse in the last days of the cycle and occurs frequently in pregnancy.

All physiotherapists should include these disorders in the differential diagnosis and our clinical reasoning. We try to identify the affected structure and differentiating origin visceral, soft tissue / joint muscle, or neural ... and possibly vascular origin, be forgotten by many.

venous disorders are characterized by a failure of venous return and edema in lower limbs, ecstasy venous (varicose veins), and pulse are normal. The skin is often warmer than normal, of reddish brown or brown by the accumulation of blood in the vessels that increasing pressure results in leakage and hemolysis of red blood cells in the more severe cases. cases are best detected and with which we are most familiar, possibly by the DLM as a therapeutic tool ours, but the arterial disease may spend more unnoticed.

how to identify peripheral arterial disease?

Risk Factors
  • hypertension (the major risk factor)
  • Smoking (Buerger's disease, which is the most common inflammatory PAD is closely related to the habit smoking , and affects 95% of males under 40 years)
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Diabetes
  • Age (prevalence in people over 65 years 8 to 11 times higher)
  • Sedentary
  • Sex (5 times more common in men)

Inspection .

In peripheral arterial disease (occurring mainly in lower limbs), the pulses are reduced and there are trophic changes in the skin: it is cool to the touch and pale, is drier, smooth, shiny and hairless. Cyanotic nails are strategic or atrophic (thickened and yellowish), and there may be areas of necrosis and ulcers in severe stages.

cold ischemia may occur unilaterally. If symptoms are bilateral and there paresthesia or hyperesthesia, can be confused with neurological problems, but in this case the reflexes are normal.

clinical pattern
The pain appears progressively to walk, is intense, forced to stop walking and goes away with rest (intermittent claudication). Distance march to the one usually constant, and shortens to a slope or up stairs.

Symptoms are always distal to the site of obstruction:
aortic stenosis, common iliac, internal / external = low back pain, buttock and lower limbs
lumbosacral plexus ischemia = sacral pelvic pain and lower limbs and buttocks
= popliteal artery compression calf and foot pain

adductor canal syndrome. Femoral artery occlusion at the canal Hunter (between the adductor magnus and vastus medialis) in the middle third of thigh. The symptoms are pain and numbness in the calf, foot and toes.

Differential Diagnosis
If joint motion is complete, asymptomatic vertebral palpation and without cause referred pain and joint tests are negative, should be suspected vascular pathology. Even with reduced mobility, stiffness, tenderness, or even with positive tests, one can not rule out vascular disease. There are always clinical patterns book.

signs indicative of vascular origin.
The fovea by pressing the nail should disappear immediately. The filling is a snap.
By elevating the limb, it is cold and pale. Flushing time should not exceed 20 seconds
The pressure pain in venous insufficiency will be less with the legs elevated.
pulses in the lower limb may be weaker than in the upper body, but if we compare in the lower limb on one side to the other (if the problem is unilateral), can guide us. Sometimes it is necessary to compare the pulse after a stress test (run 5 minutes, for example, or rely on the time or activity giving rise to symptoms). The pulse absent after a stress test indicates arterial blockage.

The most reliable test is the ankle-brachial index , with a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 99%. Divide the systolic blood pressure between the posterior tibial artery systolic blood pressure of the brachial artery. If the result is less than 1 indicates clogged arteries. The measurement is taken with a cuff and a Doppler. Sometimes it is necessary to determine the index after a stress test.

ankle systolic
-------------------- = 1
arm systolic

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Red Spots On Dog With Black Dots

New smoking ban in Spain prohibited, effective January 2, 2011 , smoking in public places closed except for psychiatric , the penitentiaries, the smoking clubs (with workers who are also members) and up to 30% of the rooms reserved for that group in the hospitality sector. In other words, from now to smoke will have to be crazy, prisoner or member of a club.

may not be smoking in playgrounds, for obvious reasons. In the Basque Country, can not smoke in the car if there are children inside. C omo happens in Canada or Australia where you can not smoke in any case, because it is considered a distraction and as has already been raised in the UK, Holland or Italy. Parents do not smoke if children are in seems to me common sense, but as common sense is the least common of the senses, we must demand of them.

The smoking ban in 2006 ( bars allowed to choose whether they wanted to be fumase in them, which was nothing again, and 100% of them hung a poster of "smoking." For those who served meals should create a tight space to isolate smokers from nonsmokers. Many of them did not, but if they did (most hotel chain) was disbursed for money for a reform that 4 years later, no longer has value. The union says the landlord will suffer losses.

Smoking increases the risk of dementia proportionately. The more you smoke, the more likely. The snuff is linked to back pain, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis, impotence, wrinkles, hearing loss, gastric ulcers, emphysema, infertility, headaches, depression and anxiety , The falls are 40% higher in smokers. E l total mortality rate is two times higher in smokers. Each year more than 4 million people for reasons related to snuff. Relationship exists between smoking and back pain from scoliosis and back pain (and we squeezing the Seseras with why you hurt ...)

Living with a smoker increases the risk of lung cancer 30% for non-smoker, and the cardiac death by 25%. Encuantra Spain at the head of Passive Smoking: 75%, well ahead of countries like France, which has 33%.

In the maelstrom of smokers upset that deprive them of what until now was the right appears the right to breathe air "sound" that we denied to non-smokers.

smokers A mouth-filling they talking about prohibition, lack of freedom and respect, with the smoking ban, I and my selfishness becomes so obvious I can not help saying. The freedom of each one, picks up where the other ends. Is the basic principle of respect and education. Do what you want, but do not bother!. Sorry seems reactionary, and shall make me branded as intransigent, but it seems that non-smokers can not say that bothers us clear the smoke.

Leaving aside politics, this is a controversial law, and an input controversy ... We hope to understand.

The following links are videos of advertising campaigns with images that might offend their sensibilities.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brazilian Stomach Sitting

I want the essence of the positive feelings that are born into this time, last forever in their minds and their hearts.
I share this beautiful poem by Salvador Novo.
Thank you, Lord, give me one year
in your light to open my eyes blind because
through your fires
forge steel tempered in the heart of tin.

Thanks for the chance and
damage the spine and the flower, because your prayers
wanderers reduced my steps to the sweet stillness
of your flock.

For your spring bloomed in me, because you fall matured
my pin
the winter shelter, and tempers.

And because, in your gifts, bless me
-digest in your love-
lasting happiness of a friendly smile.

presented a bouquet of hugs.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Touching Pinky To Thumb


WHO currently defined as pain "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with a lesion present or potential, or described in terms of the"
The English Society of Pain (SED) arises as defición pain "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with a lesion present or potential, or described in terms of it, and if it persists, with no remedy available to alter the cause, a disease in itself"

pain is considered as a disease, chronic pain as such, fibromyalgia, CRPS, phantom limb ... It is accepted that the phenomenon of awareness is a persistent disease. And I find it curious that there was none still not convinced of this, use the pain as a diagnosis in his office.

In most cases the process does not constitute a very painful disease itself. The mechanisms of chronic pain are not always present. Some advocates a central nervous system involvement in varying degrees, both in acute and chronic, and may be so, but it would still have a basic mechanical disorder, for example. The pain is usually only one feature of the disorder, not a disorder in itself. Nor does it take into account the inhomogeneity of patient groups with pain in one area. We consider the pains diagnostics and not as symptoms:
  • My back hurts
  • you have back pain
  • But it hurts me also above
  • Yeah, well ... dorso-lumbar pain, which I must say
  • Actually, the neck also hurts
  • you have back pain.
  • already good, but I also goes here.
  • you have "totalgia."
  • Well let me calmer
Diagnostics as totalgia "or" foot catastrophic "to me sound like pitorreo. Pain is the symptom that the patient speaks, so based on that diagnosis is as if the patient himself should give the diagnosis. While I understand that he is a symptomatic diagnosis classification is useful and sometimes is as honest as you can say. I remember an entry from a colleague on her blog Diary of a physiotherapist, called Diagnosis ... indifferential. I loved the title. That is exactly how I let these diagnoses: Indifferent.
    • My back hurts
    • you have back pain
    • what does that mean?
    • Well, your back hurts
    • But ... "That's my diagnosis?
    • is
      generic diagnosis. Determines whether the subject is ill or not. It should be possible to have a simulation and the neurosis and hysteria. But relax, I decided that yes it hurts.
    • Phew, luckily it. But ... Do you know why?
    • I'm afraid that no one knows. What you asked me a specific diagnosis, but that is not what I can offer.
    • Well, not be ruled out that it was something bad, do not know ...
    • says A differential diagnosis? Do not worry so much that is not
    • is that if I knew what I have bad ...
    • Ah, well, you want a diagnosis anatomopatogenético. We'll send a radiograph. For now takes the symptomatic diagnosis.
    • Sounds good ... BACK PAIN

back pain differential diagnosis is differentiates it hurts the lower back of no. I understand the difficulty of diagnosis and understand the need for classification of the diseases to be addressed. Some authors like McKenzie proposed a classification mechanical problems in what they call method Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), which already provides more information than that low back pain by example.

demand The patient diagnosis. Requires an explanation for their ailments. For that goes to consultation.
    • You know that's what the expert.
quick answers for everything. Some constant repetition lies just seems true. Sometimes the arrogance and stubbornness is imposed on the reality of the patient.
    • might not happen it will. Should have improved now.
No clinical-radiologic correlation. There are no pathognomonic test. No test is perfect. Everyone has their false positives and false negatives. It seeks maximum sensitivity and specificity. We search for the ideal. Prepare an assessment is always an ambitious project. Sometimes an accurate diagnosis is challenging because not all that ... if the treatment will be the same. Sometimes that Low back pain is the most honest, but at the bottom is because the therapeutic option is totally unspecified. And this is the most serious that we have. There is still much to do ...
    • you have back pain
    • What do I do?
    • Rest and anti-inflammatory
    • No, thanks.

As Maitland said: Make the features fit. ( "Making things fit") the theoretical part, based on squared defined diseases and the clinical signs and symptoms the patient reports, must "fit." When all tracks, all the tests, all tests point toward a direction we can say that "maybe", "every indication" ... Sometimes the problem is that we try to fit what happens to the patient within our finite knowledge, because "no I know "is not acceptable by either party.

I just know that I know nothing. It was the voice of someone who knew enough to realize this great truth. The more we know, the more we realize we do not know. Socrates

Learning to read is the first critical step to MBE. I believe in something, but I do not know that ... I must be agnostic.