Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hawaiian Delight Like The Baby Food Recipe

The Nordic Walking or Nordic Walking is a sport which involves walking with poles similar to the slopes. To further define the read Wikipedia .

Although the origins back to early 1930 when the Finnish Nordic Ski Team began training with the technique of skiing during the summer, walking and running with ski poles, it was not until 1996 when he developed the movement of Nordic Walking (NW) . In that same year began the first inquiries. The following year, in 1997, establishing the first carbon fiber mast and proposes the name "Nordic Walking". And in 2000 he founded the INWA (International Nordic Walking Association).

The soaring and practical NW sport has been gaining adherents around the world. Although Finns are known for the amount of statistical records and performance researcher, I am struck by the number of studies have been done to date on the NW to demonstrate their benefits.

NW is suggested as an optimization exercise of walking. These are some of the benefits attributed to him and the research has been done about it.

Decreases the load on knees and plantar pressure and prevents medial displacement of the knee and foot pronation (Wilson, 2001, Simic et al, 2010)

Decreases the axial load and reduce back pain.

Walking poles increases energy expenditure, oxygen consumption and increases heart rate without feeling tired during practice is greater than walking without poles. (Morss et al, 2001, Church et al 2002, Rodgers et al, 1995; Porcari et al 1997)

involves greater activation of the upper trunk and arms and claim to have an impact beneficial effect on the neck and shoulder pain (Anttila et al, 1999; Karvonen, 2000) while increasing stability and prevent falls in older people.
benefits are analyzed, NW in the elderly, Parkinson's, obesity, fibromyalgia, COPD, heart disease, intermittent claudication, breast cancer, osteoporosis ...

NW improves mobility in a study of 19 patients with Parkinson

Nordic Walking Improve Daily Physical activity in COPD: a randomized Controlled Trial. (2010)

NW is effective in a study of 60 patients with time.

58 fibromyalgia patients, divided into two random groups comparing walk to NW. Nordic Walking twice a week for 15 weeks proved to be a viable mode of exercise, resulting in improved functional capacity and a decreased level of activity limitations.
improves, lower limb strength and coordination in the movements for the group who walked without poles and the control group in 80 patients with acute coronary syndrome.

NW improves walking distance in 20 patients with intermittent claudication.

Nordic walking - is it Suitable for Patients with fractured vertebrae? (2008)

suggest the NW here to begin physical activity in osteoporotic vertebral fractures.

Efficacy of Nordic Walking in Obesity Management. (2011)

21 obese women into two groups: 12 were walking with canes and 11 without poles. It concludes that NW can increase exercise intensity without increasing effort sebsación improving aerobic capacity.

biomechanics are analyzed with canes:

Gait modification Strategies for Altering medial knee joint load: A Systematic review. (2010)

A review of 24 studies that studied the impact of different activities which reduced the knee and medial displacement and the load on the knees, like how to walk in Tai Chi or NW.

This study only has 2 months. NW 24 coaches on comparing walking with canes, with run and walk without canes. Pronation was measured impact of foot and right wrist and axial load. NW was a 36% less load on lower limbs and 56% less pronation.

physiological effects are analyzed
The data vary according to studies, but all conclude an increase in energy expenditure, oxygen consumption and heart rate compared to walking without poles.

energy expenditure oxygen consumption heart
2001 Moors ; ; ; +20%                                      +6%
Jordan 2001                                                                                                               +35/min.
Porcari 1997                            +22%                           +23%                                       +16%
Mänttäri 2004                                                                                                            +2.6 - 4.9%
Raija 2010 ; +25%
11 women and 11 men 1600m walked with and without poles. NW supposed higher oxygen consumption, heart rate and heat emitted without an increased sense of effort.
A couple of links on the scientific evidence NW:

Despite many studies, I admit feeling a little skeptical of the Nordic Walking. I learned that the things shown great then not so, and all the Web pages you breathe a mercantilist enthusiasm does not go unnoticed.

To walk the field, which is what they offer, not just be done with sticks.
to start disbursement of walking in this field:
€ 60 sticks.
€ 20 gloves. To avoid injury on 1 radio.
€ 80 shoes. You also need a special shoe because, according to wikipedia, "in NW leg takes more than running forward, creating more momentum. The greatest impact can be mitigated with a special design of the shoe heel to NW, which has to be different from those of running. "
€ 50 core course. To learn the technique ALFA247:
A standard right
L argos arms
F orm an angle
A useful tool for environmental
step 2
4 phases
7 teaching steps

In the virtual stores you can find handles, leashes, gloves, books, etc.

have also had time to develop the technique with several variants
wooging walking. (with weights on his wrists and ankles); nordic jogging. (Trotting) ; aqua walking. (in water), beach walking. (In the sand on the beach)

know some physio which has incorporated the activity of Nordic Walking to the center, where you can buy the rods and other merchandising.

do not doubt that Nordic walking is beneficial to health. As physical activity is sure to bring health benefits. In fact, browsing google, it is impossible to find a page that exposes rift between scientific evidence and NW. All are successes and benefits. In all honesty not all investigations conclude benefits.

NW items where not shown to be beneficial.

NW Effects of Type II diabetes. Single-blind, controlled trial with 68 patients. The programa de ejercicios durante 4 meses no mostró una mejoría durante los siguientes 8 meses que se les siguió respecto al grupo de prescripción de ejercicios y el grupo control.

136   pacientes con dolor lumbar y/o en la pierna. Durante 8 semanas ejercicio con NW dos veces por semana. No demostró mejorar el dolor lumbar

instructors Study 7 NW. There were no differences in either the impact or the knee and ankle ROM between walking with canes and without them.

48 participants randomized into 2 groups: with sticks and without poles, for 30 minutes. Heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac were determined by Doppler echo. There were no significant differences in cardiac dimensions.

11 subjects were filmed walking back and side, running and doing NW. Running assumed greater impact, but is not got no physiological benefit and doing walk NW. It argues that NW is appropriate to lessen the burden on members lower in overweight people.

107 women randomized into 2 groups: 54 with 53 poles and without poles, train 40 minutes 4 times a week for 13 weeks. There were no significant differences in terms of improvement of physical capacity.

NW may be interesting, but more conclusive studies are needed. For now, I'll stick with reasonable doubt.


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