Monday, January 17, 2011

Can You Bake Plastilina

irrational Principle of Parsimony (Part III): From Myth to Logos

From the beginning, humankind is to seek an explanation for what unknown.
People need to believe. Everything happens for a reason. There
destination. A higher being gives meaning to what happens.
not rely on ourselves.
Big Brother takes care of us, and beyond our knowledge and understanding capacity, there is a plan.
We are nothing ...
It's the same reason that keeps the paternalistic medicine. The patient is a passive and not have to do anything. He needs to heal. He does not own their health. That rests with health professionals.

On the other hand, human beings need to explain everything. He's afraid of the unknown. In the challenging search for answers, the truth can end up not being relevant. This is the engine of myth and logos.

The myth provides answers based on magic, fable, fantasy, energy, ethereal, transcendental ... Religion stems from the pursuit of those responses. The power attributed to the gods hold the faith and establishing the dogma. Not only in religion is dogma. Any theory, school, faith or philosophy to maintain the traditions unquestionable dogma feeds.

are born scientists. We are inquisitive by nature and not easy to satisfy and convince us, although we assume no prior knowledge. Children demonstrate his restless spirit of learning by scientific method, but for parents it is easier indoctrinated into the dogma.

  • Why?
  • Because if.
  • Why yes?
  • Because I Said So.

disservice to science ...

The logos, however, provides answers based on reflections. Questioning the truth of things, observed and analyzed. It is objective and critical. Rational and consistent. Willing to be proved by anyone who wants to question it. He argues without occult. Logos science.

In every theory should be required to withstand the scrutiny of scientific method, even if it threatens sitema belief that one has. What we now think is correct or may no longer be successful tomorrow. Above personal or financial interest must prevail science. Not long ago it was said that cancer patients could not be treated. The DLM and massage created metastasis. It was argued that massage increased temperature and cell proliferation. If, however, studies say improves the quality of these patients, decreases stress and pain.

Follow the scientific model sometimes involves accepting the fact that most known unknown. And what is known is not immutable and eternal. There is no greater wrong than he who believes to be right.

The evolution of the physiotherapists at the end of the race is uncertain. Start a different degree: the form and gaining knowledge that make you stand out from their peers / competitors in order to offer an exclusive service that will ensure the professional future. It's a bad approach. One should not form in making it exclusive, but in what follows the scientific method. As is serious.

The problem is that many myths masquerading as logos, and if we examine the logos can get the deception. We question everything following the principle of parsimony and logic. Without losing the north. Not everything that is unprovable myth. It is not easy to separate the wheat from the chaff ...

pity not Part IV: Irrational Skepticism


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