Friday, January 14, 2011

Dark Wood Floors What Color Couch?

Principle of Parsimony (Part II): The laws of logic

When you keep a talk with difficult colleagues agree. Sometimes before a clinical case, physical therapists who seek the explanation seems more pompous and twisted to justify the symptoms. I'm not sure if that is learned, or simply want to demonstrate the ability to link things, but if there is a certain trend towards globalization of structures in the conditions. One thing leads to another and finally the murderer was the butler. Categorical statements tend to miss the diagnosis, and ultraelaboradas, made with bobbin lace, too. It is great that now has a global vision of the individual, but without losing the north. We have spent the partitioning globalism centralized holistic accuser. Parceled analyzing anatomical structures as if they belonged to an individual, to avert convoluted equations where things are never what they seem.

How many legs does the elephant? This is an impossible image. One of the many who play with the delusion that apparently convinces the eye, but watched carefully is illogical. Contains some subjective contours, illusory, that seem legs. If this elephant encontrásemos us in reality, we would not hesitate: The answer is 4. Always more probable that we are facing an optical illusion to an elephant with 5 legs.

The Ockham's razor , principle of economy or parsimony , sontiene that the simplest explanation is usually true. The simpler theory is more likely to be correct than complex. Do not rule out the possibility of occurrence of the improbable, but it must not introduce more elements than strictly necessary in scientific explanations. The first thought, the thought directly, should be simple, the logic does the rest. After I 700 years William of Ockham establish the principle of parsimony is fulfilling the adage that common sense is the least common of the senses.

The logic is the language of scientific truth. The logic expressed in mathematical terms that are not due to premature conclusions or subjective reasoning.
propositional logic explains how we can move from A to C, with permission from B.

If it rains I get wet : If A, then B
if I get wet umbrella lame: if B then C
if it rains the umbrella lame: if A , then C

Chaining propositions, we can start with one and get other through the application of transformation rules. This is called writing reasoning. transformation rules are universal and not dependent on beliefs or hunches, or hunches, or "my experience tells me that ..." If you follow the laws of logic to conclude the diagnostic hypothesis, and if not, no.

Logic is the expression of common sense. To correct it should be based on objective premises and achieved some conclusions that follow the principles of logic. When we talk about patients is difficult to establish a premise. Rarely do we say that whenever A, then B. Therefore, if it is difficult to establish a premise, much more to reach a conclusion. That is the great difficulty of diagnosis. Categorical statements can undermine the credibility. The term diagnostic approach may be more accurate in some situations. There will always be more relative than absolute truths.

pretend to explain everything with our finite knowledge is nonsense. We see what we see. We see what we are accustomed to looking. If there are really only in our asses, all I find are asses. Even think about him.


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