The metatarsalgias represent a high percentage of the conditions of the forefoot and sole. A large number of them are considered as mechanical metatarsalgia by overloading. Metatarsal overload is given by the morphology metatarsal and heel shoes:
height metatarsal. The internal arch determines the alignment of the metatarsals. The metatarsal arch is reduced with the extension of the fingers. Walking in the boost phase, we conducted a metatarsophalangeal extension of 60 º. When we did the extension of fingers, the 5 metatarsal should be in line for an equitable burden sharing.

length of the metatarsals. metatarsal morphology responds to the need to cushion and spread the load. In the stance phase of gait, the contact starts at the heel and advances at the outer edge to the head of the 5 th goal, and hence, goal for goal until the head of 1 metatarsano, which performs the takeoff momentum of 1 finger.
metatarsal length places the head of each metatarsal at a height. Metatarsal heads describe an increasingly harmonious curve from 5 º to 2 º goal.
On 1 metatarsal should be slightly shorter than the 2 nd. Fick angle is 30 degrees. Foot on the opening angle of 30 ° located at 1 st and 2 nd metatarsal at the same height, for takeoff.
We can analyze the formula of the metatarsal length meatarsofalángica performing passive flexion, so that the head.
Imagine that they had to move a heavy container. What would be the best way? Without doubt, lift one side and rolling it by its circumferential edge. Imagine now that the drum had been struck and was dented. When you roll it over the edge and get to the dented area, the drum would fall precipitously increasing the impact at that point. That's what happens when one of the metatarsal is longer.
We can analyze the formula of the metatarsal length meatarsofalángica performing passive flexion, so that the head.
Imagine that they had to move a heavy container. What would be the best way? Without doubt, lift one side and rolling it by its circumferential edge. Imagine now that the drum had been struck and was dented. When you roll it over the edge and get to the dented area, the drum would fall precipitously increasing the impact at that point. That's what happens when one of the metatarsal is longer.
A long metatarsal itself is overloaded
A short metatarsal overload neighbors
Viladot, in 1989, established a classification based on the length of the metatarsals, in what he called Metatarsal Formula:
Index minus, when on 1 goal is shorter than the 2 and then the rest are in gradual decline. This is the most frequent (56%).
Index plus-minus, when 1 º and 2 º are equal and greater than 3, 4 and 5, falling. Observed in 28% of the population.
Index plus, when the 1 st metatarsal is larger than 2 and this more than 3 º. Occurs with a frequency of 16% of the population.

Regardless of the morphology of the metatarsals, footwear is a constraint on the amount of pressure to get the forefoot. Under normal conditions, with flat shoes, the forefoot will receive less than half the weight. The higher the heel, the greater the percentage of body weight. A woman with 70 kg which were fit with 10 cm heels will receive 100% of their body weight on the forefoot. Now suppose that this woman has a collapse of the 2nd metatarsal. That means that the head of that goal is enduring, only static, 70 kg of pressure.
With age, fat pad that protects the metatarsal heads, they lose water and collagen becoming thinner, making it increasingly difficult to use heels.
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